Sunday, December 17, 2006

Salt Lake City - Here we come!

This weekend, me, Dave, Ty, and Trish went down to the SLC. We decided that it was our weekend to just have fun since the idiots that are still in school just finished with finals! (Haha, sucks for them!) I also needed a break because I got my wisdom teeth out earlier this month and worked all week. So we all needed a fun getaway!
We went to Rodizio's for lunch on Saturday.

I have decided that it is the best restaurant in the world. For those that have never been there, it is all-you-can-eat meat. There is a small salad bar, but you learn not to waste your time there. They give you a little wood thing that has a green side and a red side that tells the meat servers if you want some more. They come to your table and slice pieces off of tons of different kinds of meat with different seasonings. It is so good!

I would have to say the best thing there though is the roasted pineapple. It doesn't sound good at first but it is soooooooooo good! I couldn't stop eating it!

We also got some really cool drinks. Ty & Trish got strawberry-mango fruit juice and Dave & I got raspberry-coconut fruit juice. It sounds kinda weird but it was really good.

Trish & I couldn't keep up with the boys, but we sure did try.

Dave & Ty eventually had their fill of meat. I thought we were gonna have to roll them out of there on stretchers. But, they got up the energy to walk out on their own (barely).
We decided to walk off all the food by walking the 6 blocks from our hotel to Temple Square to see the lights. I loved seeing all the different nativity scenes from all of the different countries.

Of course, our favorite was the African nativity scene.

This was my favorite view of the temple with the lights. They were beautiful, as always, and it was fun to see them again.

Back on the Mountain

Last Monday, Dave got to go snowboarding at Pomerelle. He was so excited to finally be back rippin it up on the snow. He went with Ty (of course) and they had a blast.

Here is Ty takin the jump. That is some sweet air!

Here is Dave takin the jump too. I have respect for them for this because I dunno if I could ever take a jump and not fall flat on my face.

He has such nice form! Looks like a pro!

This is such a beautiful pose, I couldn't help but show everyone. I keep tellin him he needs to go down the mountain like that. He could attract lots of ladies! :)

Monday, November 27, 2006

Dave & Ty - Need I Say More

It amazes me what can happen when these 2 get together. If only I could comprehend how their minds work! This weekend's adventure was to take a golf cart and chase geese.

Dave practiced hanging off the side so he could be a pro when it came time to try and catch a goose!

They are so funny! I wonder what they will come up with next!

So cute!

We got to take care of my brother and sister, Justin and Ami, the other night. Of course, the first thing they did was head to our Gamecube. They just looked so cute sharing the couch, playing Nintendo that I had to get a picture.

Man of Many Faces

I have discovered that I live with a man of many faces. I only wish that I could take pictures of all of them. But here are just a few from our outing to Sizzler last week.

This one is my favorite! He is so crazy!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Popcorn & Cars

Such a nice combo, I know. Yesterday was the big craft fair in Idaho Falls; which meant selling popcorn for the family business. We had to be at the school by 6:30 to set-up and stayed until 6 to take down. But, hey, at least we had something good to eat while we sat there suffering. Although, when you are around it that much, it really isn't that good anymore! We sold 3 kinds: kettle corn, dill pickle, and snowy chocolate. Don't worry, we plan on bringing some stuff to Thanksgiving for those that will be around. We might be able to save some for Christmas, but I can't guarantee anything! :)

The other big thing that has happened lately is that we got a new car!

We sold Dave's blazer and got a 2003 Toyota Camry. It was a sad day for Dave to sell his Blazer and get a car instead of an SUV, but he got over it when we realized how sweet our new car is and the deal we got on it. What a trooper! But, how could he not get over it so fast! It is so sweet!

I also realized that I haven't posted pictures of our apartment on here. So here are a couple pictures of our living room.

It isn't totally done yet, but at least it is something, right?! I will put more on here as I get creative. :)

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Dave's 24th Birthday!

Yes, Dave is old, and the only thing Dad has to tell him is that he makes him feel really old. "My baby is 24! Do you know what that does to me?" We had a good weekend. Friday night, we went out to dinner with my family to Texas Roadhouse and then Dave opened some of his presents at my parent's house. Then, Saturday, we went to Pocatello. Dave went shopping with Ty and Tricia and Emma helped me decorate the living room with balloons and birthday stuff to surprise Dave with. Then, mom and I went shopping to buy the last few things for him. Then, the fun started. We brought Grandpa Nelson over and Ty came over and Dave started opening his presents.

They are the cutest couple!

Mom got him a sweet leather jacket. It looks very nice on him!

Here is the new Cowboys gear!

Slim Thug Doug

Grandpa was the most excited that I have ever seen him! :)

I have nothing to say about this! Should I be worried?

Friday, October 27, 2006

My Birthday

I know that my birthday was like a month ago and it is almost Dave's birthday now but I thought I would post a few pics from it because it was an awesome day. I was able to celebrate it with everyone that I love! Hooray!
We went over to Kristin's house for cake and ice cream before going out to dinner with my parents. It is so fun to have the same birthday as Grandpa Nelson. He is so hilarious!

Mom made an awesome cake. Okay, well, she had an awesome cake made. It was sweet though. It was fun to see me and Grandpa's ages on there. It doesn't feel like that big of an age difference until you put it on a cake. Then, it is nuts!

It was fun to blow out the candles together. Grandpa said he was just glad we didn't set off any fire alarms. He said he knew we would have if the real amount of candles were on there. It was funny.

It is fun to see the kids too. I can't believe how fast they grow! Emmaus is gettin so big and she is so cute!

The day after my birthday, I got to go out to dinner with some of my bestest friends from high school.

Brian and Brandon got home from their missions that week, and I was able to go out to dinner with them to celebrate their coming home and my birthday. It was so fun to see them and to hear about their missions. It was such a blast! My birthday was totally awesome!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Night Out

So, I got off work about 45 minutes ago and I didn't want to go to sleep yet. So I decided to tackle this blog thing again. The blog and I don't get along very well lately, at least when it comes to the whole video thing. I made this really cool one too with some sweet music that fit the mood perfectly, but I tried to post it and it totally messed up my blog. So I decided to go back to the old fashioned way of just putting the pictures on one-by-one! Oh, tough life I have! :)

Anyway, I have a lot of blogging to catch up on but I will start with the most recent because that is what I have here right now. Last weekend, Dave and I got to see our bestest friends in the entire world: Ty and Tricia! Hooray! It was awesome! We went out to dinner at a mexican place here in Idaho Falls and then messed around town. It was a blast! Although, I know we were getting some crazy looks, it was totally worth it! It just amazes me the things we can find to entertain us here!

I have noticed that I like to pull out the camera at random times and take random pictures and so does Dave. So here is our 2 random car pictures. Those seem to be our favorite!

Here is Dave with his favorite tiger book at Barnes and Noble. Doesn't he look just like it?! I am so proud! :)

Then we made our way to Toys R Us where the real fun started!

Dave decided he wanted to be a little girl with pink hair for Halloween.

Tyler has hidden his talent of being a rockstar from us for all this time! He finally showed his true talent on the Barbie guitar. It definitely left us all speechless! :)

Dave decided he wanted to be mean and threaten to beat me with the bat. Luckily, I had the batting helmet on! It saved my life!

Although, I got him back later when he least expected it.

Then, Tricia and I decided to show the boys who really ran the show around here! That set things straight for good! Pretty intimidating! I wouldn't mess with us either!

The whole weekend was awesome and fun as is every weekend we get to spend with our bestest friends ever! We definitetly miss not having them closer! Well, that is the most recent update on the lives of Dave and Trista. Not much going on, just work and school with the occasional Toys R Us trip! :)

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Sweet furniture!

We are now in our new apartment. We are so excited and it is really awesome. We don't get our living room furniture for 2 weeks so we are making do with what we have.

All we need is bean bags and plastic storage containers and we are set!

The only thing that matters to us is that our Nintendo controller cords reach! It totally rocks!

I am starting to think I should just cancel the couches and keep my living room the way it is because it is so sweet! But then I come back to reality! I will put more pics of the apartment on here once we get things put away but I couldn't resist showing everyone my sweet furniture!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Summer's over!

Well, it finally hit me today that summer is pretty much over. So I figured I would put pictures on here of a couple of the fun things we did.

We hiked the Monument hike in Darby Canyon. I didn't realize how out of shape I was until halfway up the mountain. That is when it really hit me! It was a blast though to spend time with both of our families!

Dave went to Yellowstone with his friends last week. Of course, I had to work but it turned into a good boy's outing. He got some good pictures that I just had to post up here.

The bear was having a stare down with Dave. I think the bear probably won too. He looks kinda scary!

I knew that when Dave got back, there would be some kind of crazy picture. So here it is. Dave, Ty, and little Dave snuggling up to the big bear. Ty insisted on trying to hold Dave's hand! How cute, I know!

I saved the best pictures for last! The Empey family reunion was the best! Of course, since we don't have our own kids, I had to take pictures of all the nieces and nephews and put them on here!

Captain Pirate Hannah!

This is one of the only pictures I could get of Jakey smiling at me. Most of the time, he just looked at me like I was stupid for trying to take his picture! But this one is so adorable!

Nessie's cute girl skull-she did so good!

Dave found a good way to get Tommy's energy out! Those scooter things are the sweetest. But, me, Kari, and J are the ruling champions of the scooters. We are amazing on them if I say so myself!

Eden is so adorable! She has the cutest eyes of them all!

I couldn't resist getting a picture of this! Grandpa Nelson and Emmaus spending quality time together!

Watch out for Karate Kid Haven! She will judo chop you!

Twins? Hmmm........

Dave started school yesterday so now he is a big full-time college student! I am so proud! :) Not that I am jealous! Ha, ha!
Oh, and one last piece of news, Dave and I got an apartment yesterday. So we will be moving out of my parent's house within the next 2 weeks. I will take pictures and post them as soon as we move in!