Saturday, April 12, 2008

Amani's Belly Laugh

Amani has started to giggle. The person she loves to laugh at the most is my dad. He can always get her to giggle at him. This is a video of the first time she did it. It was hilarious!

3 Months Old!

Man, I have really sucked at this whole blogging thing lately. Don't worry, Heather, it isn't just you. I figured it was time to add some more pics. Amani is growing so fast! I can't believe she is actually a baby now and not a newborn anymore. She is getting stronger. She hates to be lying down, she loves to be sitting up in her bouncer or even propped up in the corner of the couch. My mom bought her a Bumbo seat. She loves to be sitting up and looking around. She just isn't quite strong enough to stay there long. But she gets frustrated when you take her out so it is a lose-lose situation. She is so silly.
As for the rest of us, I am just working as usual. Nothing ever too exciting with that. Dave just finished winter semester a couple days ago and is on his spring break between semesters. He is excited to have a couple days off to just relax and hang out with Amani.
One thing we are really excited about is we are planning on buying a house. We found one that we like and have talked to the bank so now we are just watching interest rates and waiting to lock in. As soon as we figure everything out, I will put a picture on here of it. It is awesome. We are so excited to be hopefully getting out of an apartment and into a house. I am most excited about having a garage so I don't have to scrape my windows at 4:30 in the morning when I am going to work! :) Yay!!! As soon as we know what is going to happen we will let everyone know!
I loved this outfit. The hat was my favorite.
She was in a really good mood so it was picture time!
I love baby overalls!
She was looking for me. She makes the funniest faces.
She loves hanging out with her Aunt Sydney.
Our cutest little Yankees fan!