Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Halloween & Dave's Birthday

Dave & I have had a fun week. The Monday before Halloween, we went over to Kris and Andy's for the annual Empey Halloween party. It was so fun to see all of the kids in their costumes. They were so adorable! I have the cutest nieces and nephews. I just wish all of them could have been there!
Emmaus so cute!
Eli the pirate
Hannah was such a pretty princess.
Nessie looked super sexy!

Eden the ballerina-I was lucky to get this picture-she was in mid-spin.

Tommy the power ranger
Emma the vampire princess
On Halloween, we went over to my parent's house and watched my brother and sisters get ready to go trick-or-treating. Dave and I then had to go to childbirth class. Those things are hilarious, but informative!
Sunday was Dave's 25th birthday. Mom, Dad, and Grandpa Nelson came up from Pocatello; Kris & Andy, Trina, and all the kids came over to my parent's house. We had dinner and cake and ice cream. It was lots of fun.
Dave and his new Yankee Mr. Potatohead.
Dave and his sisters-Kris & Trina
Dave & Mama Empey
My mom knew if she wanted a picture of me, she would have to do it when I didn't know what she was doing.
Then, I decided to at least let her get one decent picture. My best friend/twin brother, AJ, loves to put his hand on my belly. He has never felt her kick but he loves to try.
Pregnancy is going good. It is so nice to not wake up every morning and not be sick. Yeah for gallbladder surgery! Amani is getting bigger and more energetic. She wiggles and kicks most of the day. It is always fun to feel her move. Just 10 weeks left! The final countdown is on! I am so excited!

Sunday, October 07, 2007

22 and 99

This last week, we had the opportunity to celebrate my 22nd birthday and Grandpa Nelson's 99th birthday. I love being able to share the same birthday with him, just 77 years different. We had a party at my parent's house Thursday night. Trina and Kris and their kids came over with mom and Grandpa. It was a blast.

We had really good ice cream cakes from Coldstone-peanut butter perfection! I recommend it to everyone. Fabulous!!!

We also had a cake just for the 99 candles for Grandpa. It was amazing that they fit all the candles on there. It took awhile to light them.
By the time they brought the cake over to the table to me and Grandpa, half of the candles had melted into the cake. It made it even better. (and of course, we didn't eat it-yuck!)
We then blew out the candles on our individual cakes. Grandpa just kept laughing about everything. All the candles to blow out and all the cakes.
We opened presents. I got a beautiful statue from Mama Empey. It was one of those Willow Tree figurines. This was the one of a pregnant woman. It was beautiful.

My mom got me the 2 movies I had been wanting all week-Jungle Book and Fantastic 4-Rise of the Silver Surfer!

My sisters made me a candy posterboard! The sweetest present I got! It was so sweet and had so much meaning behind it. I got to get a picture with all the kids. It was an awesome birthday!

I just had to add this picture to the end. It is my favorite. Eden was playing with the spoon-you can hardly see it but it was the cutest picture and I had to add it.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

And the flavor is....

So today was my 20-week ultrasound!! I never thought this day would come and yet it has come so fast at the same time! Well, I have had the feeling it was a girl and everyone else has thought it was a boy! But, the mother instinct wins in the end, and it is a girl!!!! I am so excited! The ultrasound was amazing. It is crazy to see the baby that is living inside of you and seeing it move-which is exactly what it does all the time. The tech that was doing her ultrasound was having a hard time getting all the measurements that she needed because the baby wouldn't hold still long enough for to take the picture. And then when she would hold still for that random couple seconds, it was in the wrong position to see what we needed to see. It was funny but frustrating. It shows what I have to look forward to! We are going to name her Amani Jo and probably call her AJ. Amani is Swahili for peace. One of Dave's companions from his mission gave him the idea and he has loved it ever since. I think it is a cool name so we will go with it. The easiest way to describe how to say it is it is like Armani the designer without the r. I am excited because now I know to look at pink stuff instead of blue stuff. I am glad because girl stuff is so much cuter than boy stuff! Anyway, my due date is now January 13th and the ultrasound showed that she is looking to be a healthy little girl! I will keep everyone updated with any new info I get. I will also get our summer pictures posted on here soon because I have been kind of a slacker.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Guess What!

For those of you that don't know, I am pregnant! Finally, I know! I finally hit that 12-week mark yesterday and decided that I could finally start telling a few people. No more secrets! We are so excited. We have had 3 ultrasounds (I know, I am super lucky!). The last one was this last Monday. It was so exciting to see how much the baby had grown in one month. It was cool to see that it had a face and arms and legs! We also got to hear the baby's heartbeat. That is amazing to hear. And yes, there is only one baby in there! (Luckily!) We are so excited. It all goes by so fast. I can't believe I already have a 1/3 of the way down. Just 6 months to go! :( We should know the sex of the baby by mid-September. As soon as we know, we will let everyone else know! I hope all is well with everyone! Happy summer!

Friday, June 29, 2007

Fun with the Family

We have been able to spend lots of time with the Empey family lately and it has been awesome. Last weekend, we were able to spend time with Steve's family and Kari & J. It was so much fun! The funnest part was the giant water fight and how Steve and Dave soaked Dad! It was the greatest. I stood back and took pictures.
Kari was having fun spraying everyone
The ultimate tackle! Dave and Steve got dad onto the slip n' slide.
On the warpath!

Dad thought it was over! Not yet! And Heather better watch out or she will get drenched!
Dad, Steve, and Dave! Everyone was friends in the end!
Steve thought it would be fun to try and jump the water slide. It was hilarious!

Jason was having a hard time getting enough height to get over the hump so Steve helped him out!

It didn't take Jason long to get the air he needed! It was the greatest!
And I know it has been a long time since Memorial Day, but we were also able to spend time with Kari and J then too. We went up to Jason's parents house and rode 4-wheelers. Yes, that is what I said, 4-wheelers! I finally rode one for the first time in almost 3 years! It was so scary and it took all night to talk myself into it but I finally did it! One milestone down!
Kari and Dave-so sexy in those helmets!

Yeah for me! And don't worry! I wore a helmet!
Jakey is so cute!!!!!! I can't believe how fast he is growing! I love being able to see him more often! And of course, it is good to see Kari and J too!

Monday, May 28, 2007

Las Vegas!

Here is a montage from our trip with Ty and Trish to Vegas. I tried to put it right on my blog like everyone else but mine is retarded! I don't know what is going on. Kari and Kristin even tried to help me and they said mine is retarded. So here is what I got!
We had a blast. We got to go to the shark reef at Mandalay Bay and to all the different hotels and shops. Plus we got to eat good food! Dave's favorite is the first picture with the giant piece of jerky! It was awesome! Anyway, here it is! :)

View this montage created at One True Media
Fiesta de la Vegas

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Lava Hot Springs

Last weekend, we went down to Pocatello and then to Lava with Ty & Trish. Saturday morning, Ty cooked us an Idaho breakfast. Pancakes and garbage hash! Of course, Ty is a master at making pancakes and had to make some cool ones for us. He made me a baseball and bat. Then he made the sweetest one of all!

New York Yankees symbol pancake! He is amazing!

Saturday night, we went to Lava. We weren't hungry when we got there so we played some shadow ball. It was a blast!
Then, we went out to dinner and walked around to a couple of shops. Then, we went and sat in the hot tub and stayed up and watched a movie. It was a great weekend and we had a blast! We are excited to be leaving today to go to Vegas for a week! Hooray!

Friday, April 27, 2007

Fun with Friends

It has been a long time since I posted so I decided I needed to catch up. Not much has been going on here. Dave is almost finished with the semester so he is excited about that. I have just been workin'. We are definitely looking forward to summer! John and Audrey moved in 2 apartment buildings down from us and we are so glad to have them so close! Last Sunday, we had a barbecue with them and our other new friends, James and Kara. They live directly across the parking lot from us. It was tons of fun. James is from Tennessee and is a master on the grill. It was amazing! He is such a good cook!
Here is all of the food that James cooked for us. Salmon, burgers, chicken, hot dogs, and bacon-wrapped asparagus! (I didn't try the asparagus, but Dave said it was delicious!)
John volunteered to let us use his new grill. It was sweet!
Here is the grill-master, James!
We are so excited to have John and Audrey close and to have our new friends, James and Kara, right across the parking lot! There are definitely more good times to come with them!
Now, the countdown is down to 2 weeks until we leave for Vegas with Ty & Trish! We are gettin' so excited!

Monday, April 09, 2007

Happy Easter!

Dave and I had a great weekend. John and Audrey moved in 2 apartment buildings down from us. We are so excited to have them so close! Hooray! Dave and I are dog-sitting this weekend again so my family could go to Mesquite and see my grandpa. So John and Audrey came over to my parent's house Friday night and we barbecued and watched movies. It was way fun. Saturday, Dave and I went down to Pocatello and spent the day with Ty and Trish. We went shopping and played frisbee at the park. I love spring and summer. It was nice to get out and enjoy the nice weather.
Ty was attacking Trish with his feelers! Ha, ha!
We went to Mama Inez and had nachos and margaritas! That is my type of meal!!!!! It was awesome!
Trish and her sister, Alysa, shared a margarita! Oh how cute!
Then we went to "Blades of Glory." That movie is hilarious! I love Will Ferrell and Jon Heder!
Sunday, we celebrated Easter with the family and had fun with the nieces and nephews.

Roscoe wanted to tell everyone "Happy Easter!" :)

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Chillin with the Boys & St. Patrick's Day

We have had a fun week. Dave went to Salt Lake City with Ty to see their friend, Lil' Dave, from high school. They went to the batting cages and ordered a giant pizza. It was 26 inches. It is crazy!

Here is Lil' Dave hiding under the massive pizza box.

They are so silly when they are together.

Lil' Dave is finally the tallest one for the only time in his life!

Friday and Saturday, we went to Pocatello to see Kari and Jason. It was so nice to hang out with them! Jakey is getting so big so fast! We got to celebrate St. Patrick's Day with Mama Empey and the family. It was tons of fun!

Ty is such a pretty leprechaun.

Dave and his crazy "shenanigans!"

I was ridin the scooters in the garage in my sweet hat!
We had a great weekend! I love holidays! It was great to see everyone!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Baseball Season is finally here!

Spring training started this last week! Ty came over this weekend and left us a little note on our white board. It definitely won't be erased until October. The gospel of Ty! Definitely one of my favorite scriptures!


With all the new snow we got this last week, Dave was excited to go to his snowboarding class on Friday. The snow was decent and that is saying alot considering that he was boarding at Kelly Canyon. He got some cool pictures of the jumps. He had lots of fun. Although, he didn't look like it when he got back. He got into a fight with a rainbow rail and the rail won. The price people pay to have fun!

Monday, February 19, 2007

Dog-sitting & Seeing old friends

I love holiday weekends! It is so much fun to sit around and do nothing. Dave and I got to dog-sit this weekend so that is exactly what we did. We did go and visit some people we hadn't seen in awhile. Friday night, we went out to dinner with some of Dave's friends from his mission. I was a loser and forgot my camera. But, luckily, Paul had his and we got some pictures so as soon as he emails them to me, I will post them.
Saturday, Dave and I drove up to Rexburg and visited Dave's cousin, John, and his wife, Audrey. Their little boy, Austin, is the cutest boy ever! He is growing up so fast!

It took him awhile to warm up to me but eventually we was smiling for me and playing with me! He is so adorable!

He warmed up enough to me to finally go to sleep.
Sunday and Monday, we just relaxed, watched tv, and played with the dogs.

I think Dave spent a little too much time with them! :)
We had a fun weekend. It was nice to relax. As soon as I get the other pictures, I will post them!