Friday, February 26, 2010

Snow, Superbowl, and Satan's Day

Here is some pics of our recent fun. In the beginning of January, we got a really big snow storm. Amani got a chance to play in the snow in my parent's yard with Aunt Sydney. She is definitely an Idaho child. She loves the snow!

Uncle Justin, Aunt Sydney, Amani and Mommy

She was in heaven!

Total Idaho family pic-snow, giant coats, snow suits, and hats!
We were able to have a Superbowl party at my parent's house. I know they will appreciate it when we have our own house to have our parties in. :) We had a bunch of our friends from the ward over and had tons of fun!

This isn't even including the 3 crockpots full of meatballs, wings, and mini hot dogs! I was still full the next day!

Jared and Natalie-she is so cute in all her pregnant-ness! (Yeah, that's a word!)

Jared and Richelle snugglin on the chair together!

Mark and Morgan-they are so hilarious!

Mark and I had gotten in a fight the week before and he had left me bruised! At church earlier that day, everyone was asking where I got my nasty bruise. So he signed his art work so everyone could know it was him that beat me up!
Of course, the month of February brings my least favorite holiday-Valentine's Day aka Satan's Day. But, no matter how much I hate it, Amani did look pretty cute for church. Thanks Grandma Empey for making her such an adorable little Valentine's skirt. She still wears it all the time.

That is all the happenings lately. I will get better at this posting thing! I can't get much worse!