Tuesday, August 28, 2007

And the flavor is....

So today was my 20-week ultrasound!! I never thought this day would come and yet it has come so fast at the same time! Well, I have had the feeling it was a girl and everyone else has thought it was a boy! But, the mother instinct wins in the end, and it is a girl!!!! I am so excited! The ultrasound was amazing. It is crazy to see the baby that is living inside of you and seeing it move-which is exactly what it does all the time. The tech that was doing her ultrasound was having a hard time getting all the measurements that she needed because the baby wouldn't hold still long enough for to take the picture. And then when she would hold still for that random couple seconds, it was in the wrong position to see what we needed to see. It was funny but frustrating. It shows what I have to look forward to! We are going to name her Amani Jo and probably call her AJ. Amani is Swahili for peace. One of Dave's companions from his mission gave him the idea and he has loved it ever since. I think it is a cool name so we will go with it. The easiest way to describe how to say it is it is like Armani the designer without the r. I am excited because now I know to look at pink stuff instead of blue stuff. I am glad because girl stuff is so much cuter than boy stuff! Anyway, my due date is now January 13th and the ultrasound showed that she is looking to be a healthy little girl! I will keep everyone updated with any new info I get. I will also get our summer pictures posted on here soon because I have been kind of a slacker.