Friday, October 27, 2006

My Birthday

I know that my birthday was like a month ago and it is almost Dave's birthday now but I thought I would post a few pics from it because it was an awesome day. I was able to celebrate it with everyone that I love! Hooray!
We went over to Kristin's house for cake and ice cream before going out to dinner with my parents. It is so fun to have the same birthday as Grandpa Nelson. He is so hilarious!

Mom made an awesome cake. Okay, well, she had an awesome cake made. It was sweet though. It was fun to see me and Grandpa's ages on there. It doesn't feel like that big of an age difference until you put it on a cake. Then, it is nuts!

It was fun to blow out the candles together. Grandpa said he was just glad we didn't set off any fire alarms. He said he knew we would have if the real amount of candles were on there. It was funny.

It is fun to see the kids too. I can't believe how fast they grow! Emmaus is gettin so big and she is so cute!

The day after my birthday, I got to go out to dinner with some of my bestest friends from high school.

Brian and Brandon got home from their missions that week, and I was able to go out to dinner with them to celebrate their coming home and my birthday. It was so fun to see them and to hear about their missions. It was such a blast! My birthday was totally awesome!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Night Out

So, I got off work about 45 minutes ago and I didn't want to go to sleep yet. So I decided to tackle this blog thing again. The blog and I don't get along very well lately, at least when it comes to the whole video thing. I made this really cool one too with some sweet music that fit the mood perfectly, but I tried to post it and it totally messed up my blog. So I decided to go back to the old fashioned way of just putting the pictures on one-by-one! Oh, tough life I have! :)

Anyway, I have a lot of blogging to catch up on but I will start with the most recent because that is what I have here right now. Last weekend, Dave and I got to see our bestest friends in the entire world: Ty and Tricia! Hooray! It was awesome! We went out to dinner at a mexican place here in Idaho Falls and then messed around town. It was a blast! Although, I know we were getting some crazy looks, it was totally worth it! It just amazes me the things we can find to entertain us here!

I have noticed that I like to pull out the camera at random times and take random pictures and so does Dave. So here is our 2 random car pictures. Those seem to be our favorite!

Here is Dave with his favorite tiger book at Barnes and Noble. Doesn't he look just like it?! I am so proud! :)

Then we made our way to Toys R Us where the real fun started!

Dave decided he wanted to be a little girl with pink hair for Halloween.

Tyler has hidden his talent of being a rockstar from us for all this time! He finally showed his true talent on the Barbie guitar. It definitely left us all speechless! :)

Dave decided he wanted to be mean and threaten to beat me with the bat. Luckily, I had the batting helmet on! It saved my life!

Although, I got him back later when he least expected it.

Then, Tricia and I decided to show the boys who really ran the show around here! That set things straight for good! Pretty intimidating! I wouldn't mess with us either!

The whole weekend was awesome and fun as is every weekend we get to spend with our bestest friends ever! We definitetly miss not having them closer! Well, that is the most recent update on the lives of Dave and Trista. Not much going on, just work and school with the occasional Toys R Us trip! :)