Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Almost 5 months!

Alright, I am a totally horrible blogger lately! I always think that I need to do it but then I always find something else to do. So tonight I decided to make Dave take care of Amani so I could do this. This is some of what has been going on for the past weeks. Just a warning now-there are lots of pictures.

Amani and Daddy watching tv together. She loves to watch cartoons with Daddy. Her favorites are 'My Friends Tigger and Pooh,' 'Higglytown Heroes,' and 'Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.' She will watch them forever. It is great!

She is getting much better at smiling for the camera. She laughs. giggles, and talks all the time. She is getting such a fun personality.

She was taking a nap with Grandpa. It was so cute!

We were giving her some belly time on the Boppy pillow. She doesn't like to be on her tummy so she was blaming it on Mr. Bear. He is her favorite stuffed animal and she talks to him all the time. I think she was telling him it was his fault for her being on her tummy.

She was lying on my lap and so was just snapping pictures to see what she was doing. She does funny facial expressions.

Bathtime!!! She looked so serious!

At cousin Eli's flag football game. This is her new smile-closed lips. It is so cute!
We went to Grandma & Grandpa Empey's house this weekend. Grandma gave us egyptian cotton sheets and Amani loved them. She was all tangled up in them and looked so cute. We were also able to see her newest cousin Maggie and a bunch of the family. It was great to see everyone!
And here we have the Queen of Sheeba. She looks like she owns the place!
These are my sisters, Sydney and Ami. They had their gymnastics performance this last week. It is my favorite part of the whole year. They are so awesome. Ami is getting her back handspring down and Sydney is getting really good at roundoff-back handspring-back tuck tumbling pass. She also can do a back layout. She is sweet!
Not much else has been going on lately. We had some fun at the end of April with some more seizure activity but once we got her levels of phenobarbital back up she was ok. We only spent 1 night in the hospital for IV therapy and haven't had any major seizures since. We just have to check her levels more often which requires frequently getting her blood drawn. She is such a trooper. Other than that, it is just work for me and school for Dave. We hope all is well with everyone! I promise I will try really hard to be better at this!