Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Halloween & Dave's Birthday

Dave & I have had a fun week. The Monday before Halloween, we went over to Kris and Andy's for the annual Empey Halloween party. It was so fun to see all of the kids in their costumes. They were so adorable! I have the cutest nieces and nephews. I just wish all of them could have been there!
Emmaus so cute!
Eli the pirate
Hannah was such a pretty princess.
Nessie looked super sexy!

Eden the ballerina-I was lucky to get this picture-she was in mid-spin.

Tommy the power ranger
Emma the vampire princess
On Halloween, we went over to my parent's house and watched my brother and sisters get ready to go trick-or-treating. Dave and I then had to go to childbirth class. Those things are hilarious, but informative!
Sunday was Dave's 25th birthday. Mom, Dad, and Grandpa Nelson came up from Pocatello; Kris & Andy, Trina, and all the kids came over to my parent's house. We had dinner and cake and ice cream. It was lots of fun.
Dave and his new Yankee Mr. Potatohead.
Dave and his sisters-Kris & Trina
Dave & Mama Empey
My mom knew if she wanted a picture of me, she would have to do it when I didn't know what she was doing.
Then, I decided to at least let her get one decent picture. My best friend/twin brother, AJ, loves to put his hand on my belly. He has never felt her kick but he loves to try.
Pregnancy is going good. It is so nice to not wake up every morning and not be sick. Yeah for gallbladder surgery! Amani is getting bigger and more energetic. She wiggles and kicks most of the day. It is always fun to feel her move. Just 10 weeks left! The final countdown is on! I am so excited!